october - november - december 2022

Cleaning up - cleaning up and cleaning up again, that's pretty much the theme of the last three months of 2022.



Impression of some cars fully loaded ready to take to the dump:

Everything we tackle is a project. The landscaper has removed a lot of bramble - fern and bamboo. And made space to pick olives and plant new olive trees.

The wall along the path to the front door has also been cleaned up tremendously, it was overgrown with weeds - bramble and other prickly bushes.


Now it is beautifully sleek and clean, ready for planting Lavender, for example!



Project Chicken Coop



Making grape juice




And to top it off in October 2022: Our first olive harvest!!!

How super to be able to tap your first own olive oil at the Gardener!



If the harvest is good, our olive oil will be available to order from summer 2024!

Email us if you are interested: info@i-due-cipressi.com